Clubhouse Open Soul (English)

Minsk Clubhouse “Open Soul” is a rehabilitation service for people with mental illnesses.

Minsk Clubhouse “Open Soul” is working since 2011 year. It was established by “Belarusian Association of Social Workers” with support of Deutsch partners: Action Mensch, Clubhouse Swalbennest and Parity Union.

There are over 200 members of the Clubhouse nowadays.

There are 2 sections in the Clubhouse – kitchen section and office section. Kitchen section is solving tasks of cooking a meal two times per week, keeping rooms clean and making celebration events. Office section handles document management, social webs management, site management, correspondence.

Also in the clubhouse takes place educational courses:

Computer for beginners

Foreign languages lessons

Singing courses

Once a week joint reading of Holy Scripture for believers of clubhouse takes place.

In the matter of employment program we are cooperating with partnership organizations, which are ready to recruit members of clubhouse, we are consulting on employment issues.

Also in the clubhouse is working help hotline for rights of people with mental illnesses, which is managed by lawyer.

Clubhouse is open for cooperation.

Our contacts:

220049 Minsk, Knorina 3, 70, Clubhouse “Opensoul”.

Clubhouse is working at the expense of donations of caring people and partnership with local and foreigner sponsors.